About us web page is put together by an internet marketer with a keen interest in a learning the right way to live a healthy life style, and explore the visible natural world. It could be said that this approach is a Preventative one in nature and a Holistic one.

About us and the Preventative concept comes from adhering to healthy eating habits, physical exercise and ensuring the good health of the human spirit and mind. The basics of health should be learned early in life, and reinforced with healthy habits through out the entire life. If there is a natural balance and harmony with the; mind, spirit and body, when all these areas are working together with common values and goals in life.
Self discipline About us is needed to make the effort in learning what is healthy nutrition, what are the essential nutrients that should be consumed regularly. Self discipline is needed to stay on course when there are temptations to divert from a healthy course of food choices.

Self discipline and wisdom is also needed when tempted to indulge in any adverse appetites; e.g. smoking cigarettes, too much alcohol, or drug abuse. Those indulgent pleasures are extremes from the norm, and often start out as misguided temptations. It may have the starting point in plain peer pressure, someone dared others to try smoking a cigarette, drinking alcohol or some other mind influencing substance. The freedom and the innocence of the experience does not last all that long, once the body has become accustomed to the substance then the body will demand it again and again, for the same chemical addiction for the body. And when the habit is ingrained deep enough then the body will rule over the brain of the person dictating when and what should be consumed next. That is the basics of addiction, the body ruling over the mind, hence losing self control. content and About us points out the often critical moments in life, when the everyday events seem to be trivial and nothing happening, especially in the early years of life. But it is exactly at those “doldrums” moments that the danger of bad choices can lead to damage being done to the natural healthy habits that most people learn at home when they are young and living at home. To be strong and healthy is to say No, to the peer pressure that trivializes with dangerous substances, experiences and potentially addictive habits of cigarette smoking and alcohol experimentation at young ages.
There is the regular meal times and a balanced nutrition intake, there is also the rest and relaxation and regular sleep hours. And the physical exercise daily keeps the body functioning and growing as the person gets older and stronger.
For more on this topic watch these videos:
Which food is good for the