Unveiling the Brutality: Hamas’ Terrorist Acts Against Israeli Women

The Shocking Details of the October 7, 2023 Terror Incident

On October 7, 2023, a devastating terror attack shook our community to its core. The attack, which took place at a crowded marketplace, resulted in the loss of many innocent lives and left countless others injured. The details of the incident were truly horrifying, with witnesses describing scenes of chaos and panic as the attack unfolded. The sheer brutality of the violence inflicted on unsuspecting civilians is something that will never be forgotten.

The perpetrators of this heinous act showed a complete disregard for human life, targeting innocent men, women, and children who were simply going about their daily lives. The senseless violence and destruction caused by the attack have left a lasting impact on our community, as we struggle to come to terms with the loss and devastation that has been inflicted upon us. The pain and suffering of the victims and their families is something that will never be forgotten, and we must continue to honor their memory in the years to come.

Remembering the Victims of Ideological Fanatics on October 7 2023

Women In October 7th Massacre in Israel.

  • 420+ Female Victims.
  • 800+ Male Victims.
  • On October 7th, a coordinated wave of assault by the Hamas terror organization resulted in the deaths of over 320 women.
  • Additionally, about 100 women and girls were kidnapped.
  • Women and girls caught in the rampage were sexually brutalized, physically tortured, and killed.
  • Survivors witnessed it, and surveillance footage caught it. 100 days after October 7th, 17 Israeli women are still held hostage.
  • Thirty women, aged 12 to 48, who have been released from captivity, endured sexual abuse during their time in captivity.

In one instance captured on video, a woman was seen with her dress torn, her body gruesomely mutilated and burned, a stark representation of the violence inflicted upon the victims.

Photographs viewed by The Times showed a woman’s corpse found in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz, with her thighs penetrated by dozens of nails, further illustrating the severity of the assaults.

Inside the Mind of a Terrorist: Is the Mindless Ideological Fanatical Death Cult Amoral Worldview

Another video provided by the Israeli military showed two dead soldiers, shot directly in their vaginas, emphasizing the targeted nature of these heinous acts​​.

Survivors, women who endured the horrors of the attacks, were not only confronted with the profound loss of their loved ones but also subjected to sexual assault. The Hamas perpetrators, primarily men, went beyond acts of violence; they deliberately targeted women, treating them as property or vessels to inflict harm on the state of Israel.

Women, falling victim to severe assaults that ultimately led to their tragic deaths, left their horrifying experiences to be recounted by first responders witnessing many who endure profound violations of their humanity and subjected to unspeakable acts of sexual mutilation. This gender-specific war crime compounds the already distressing impact of the assaults and calls for the urgent need to look at its broader consequences.

The oct7map.com is a comprehensive site dedicated to shedding light on the many events that took place during the October 7th massacre. Within this broader context, our focus here is specifically on the experiences of women during these tragic events.


Thank you for visiting http://http://healthyeyes2020.net website which exposes the self-evident subjective human mind delusions and moral aberrations.

True Friendship Poem 2023

True Friendship

Poem by Alora M. Knight.

It isn’t the years,
It isn’t the tears
That makes life worthwhile.
It’s the memories that grew
And the people you knew
That will bring back a smile.

Mistakes that were made,
Plans often mislaid
Are a part of the past.
What you’ve kept in your mind
Is where you will find
What you wished to hold fast.

Some things in life
May be had without strife.
It can happen that way.
Still, a friendship is earned,
And where love is concerned,
I’m willed to say.

When life draws to a close,
Let me be one of those
To cry, “Life has been great!”
It’s the friends that were made,
Those who lived unafraid.
That is proof of the world we create.

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2018

Peace Joy Love Health New Year 2016


European Leaders Need To Correct Their Worldview Course 2022

The weakness of the Western world leader’s Worldview is that they do not have a grip on understanding Jurisprudence of the last century. Most of them were taught a political narrative or a doctrine of what happened in Europe between 1914 to 1991.

A political doctrine often follows a subjective narrative on history.

It can have four possible purposes: boost a specific country’s nationalism, abide by a law, or prop up particular political or self-serving viewpoints.

 Very few see or admit to themselves to have been politically or morally wrong. The losers get the heck beaten out of them by the victors. It happened to the people of Germany and the people of Japan after world war two. Therefore, the “victors” group’s erroneous political or moral Worldview is not corrected.

The western world leaders of democratic progress have many erroneous, highly subjective utopian worldviews.

They wrote books and made movies in Hollywood that glorified violence, war crimes, genocide, civil wars, and lawless anarchy.   

The Western country leaders did not care about the immorality of the Bolsheviks fermenting civil war in Russia from 1917-to 1922. That snuffed out 8 million lives.

The western country leaders did not care about the Stalin declaration of Soviet Union State Atheism in 1922. Neither did the Jews when tens of thousands of left-wing Jews joined the Bolshevik’s anarchy in Russia.

The western world has gone horribly off the moral rails of decency.

Because the blueprint for morality is the Instructions given by the Creator of Life at Mount Sinai, some 3460 years ago.

 In their unbelief, pride of life, and arrogance, they became wise in their own eyes. They started spinning their own narrative and interpretation of life and putting down the actual true narrative from the Creator of Life.

As a result, the God of the Bible has shared His own personal name (YHWH). But only a tiny percentage of the world population respect and acknowledge Him as the Creator of Life.

World education institutes promoted the secular Worldview; they introduced a false reality and made false claims that there would be no consequences to unbelief, blasphemy, and sinful lifestyle.  

Once they brainwashed God out of people’s conscience, they introduced sinful lifestyles.

They promoted the sinful lifestyle to be healthy and good for humanity. On the basis that if it feels good, then it must be good for one and all.  

But it was not enough to spin false subjective humanism; they had to demonize the true believers, calling them names and belittling them, shutting them out for political reasons.

Secularism linked up with atheism, atheism linked up with rebellion and anarchy. Soon, it became a social movement like a revolution that attempted to ban religions from exercising their right to believe and acknowledge God’s existence in the public arena.

The secular movement phenomena in the twenty-first century are not new. It has surfaced many times previously; Russia’s militant version raised its ugly head one hundred years ago. Then, they called it “Karl Marx Socialism.” But, in fact, it was a tyranny and pseudo- socialism. Karl Marx was a Satanist. He was also of Jewish descent. Talk about a paradox. Obviously, Satan made an offer too good for Karl to refuse.

The true Jew from Nazareth was also tempted (Yeshua), but he said No to satan. Instead, he opted for the wisdom of Tanack for an accurate worldview. And invested his life in the teaching of Tanack.    


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Georgia data reveals 17650 Trump’s votes removed

NTD NEWS. Georgia data reveals 17,650 Trump’s votes removed, another 12,173 switched to Biden: Data scientists

“Georgia election data indicates 17,650 votes were removed from President Donald Trump and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Wednesday during a state Senate hearing.

Lynda McLaughlin from the Data Integrity Group, along with data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue, presented the results before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.

Mealey worked as an electronic warfare technician in the U.S. Navy for nine and a half years and was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractor as a data analyst and programmer for the National Counterterrorism Center. He currently works for one of the “Big Four” accounting firms as a programmer.

Dave Lobue is a data scientist with over a decade of experience in a number of industries.

“What we have here is we actually have fraud that we can prove in this election, there was fraud in Georgia’s election, we can prove it with data,” Mealey said. “The voting will of the people of Georgia is not reflected in what was certified by the Secretary of State.”

Trump’s Votes Decremented During The Vote count

According to their analysis on time series election data which was published online as early as Dec. 24, Trump’s votes were decrementing in various counties instead of increasing as they do normally.

17,650 votes were allegedly removed from Trump as result.

The removals happened at the county level and were hard to be observed at the state level because the decrements were offset by accurate data uploaded by other counties.

“I want to make that very, very clear that at no point in an incremental process, should you decrement it,”

Mealey said.

The group said a huge number of Trump’s votes were also observed being switched to Biden in a separate event.

A “clear example of vote switching” happened in Bibb county, they said.

At 9:11 p.m. local time, Trump received 29,391 votes as Biden simultaneously received 17,218. However, in the next reported time update, Trump’s votes became 17,218 while Biden’s changed to 29,391.

In this single event, 12,173 votes were switched, the data scientists believe.

State-certified election results show Trump lost Georgia by 12,670 votes. The Trump campaign is still challenging the results in various courts.”.

Watch the NTD NEWS Channel on YouTube.


For more related articles visit https://www.facebook.com/SpiritOfTheNaturalLawLifeLibertyProperty/ and http://arctictreaty.com/ website.

Thank you for visiting http://healthyeyes2020.net website and reading this Georgia data reveals 17,650 Trump’s votes removed article post.

MANIPULATED BY Weighted Race Features

Mathematical Analysis of November 3, 2020 Election in Maricopa County.
DR. Shiva Ayyadurai.
Presented to Arizona State Legislators Hearing November 30, 2020. Election Integrity Hearing With Select Members of Arizona Legislature.
Weighted Race Feature in the DOMAIN Computerized Vote Count Machines.
Domain machine votes are not counted as whole integer numbers; they are counted as decimal fractions.
100 votes are not stored as 100 votes; it is counted as 100.025. Votes stored in Domain Vote-counting machines as decimal fractions can have external programs
to intercept and communicate with those programs, which can also do Weighted Race Features.
The pattern of voting in the 2020 US Elections is highly Implausible.Each vote is a decimal fraction that enables robotic manipulation of the total tally.
It can manipulate the total value, + or -.
Deduction of .25 fraction to one candidate and adding it to the other candidate can add each vote value to 1.25.
Vote counting machines should have an absolute numerical value. One vote = 1 vote. Full stop.

It’s a New Age in Computer Manipulated Voting

Welcome to the future Horror Show of Social Engineering and digital manipulation of people’s values.
The worst possible scenario is to enable digital technology to take over everyday life and then hand over the knowledge of technology and the power of the machinery, to an elite group of atheists that think they know what is best for humanity. A similar pattern to the formation of the Soviet Union in 1922. Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin delusion-ally thought they knew what is best for the people. They were delusional despots living out their egotistic fantasies.


Playing Games is a Fun Way to Exercise your Brain

Playing Games is a Fun Way to Exercise your Brain

Many people enjoy playing games as a source of entertainment as well as a way to have some fun. However, playing games also helps you to exercise your brain. This is a great way to keep your mental health in check. There are plenty of games that fall into this category. Basically anything that requires you to do some thinking will help you keep it healthy.

Sudoku has become a very popular game that people play. With this type of puzzle you have to fill in the grid. Each line going down as well as across has to have the digits 1 through 9 used only once. It is a game that requires you to use deductive reasoning because there are several possibilities for each square on the grid until you start working to narrow them down.

Crossword puzzles and work search puzzles are also great forms of games you can engage in to exercise your brain. Why not get yourself a few books with these games in them. You can keep it with you to do in the car while you wait to pickup kids. You can even take it to the office to upwind on your lunch hour with the time remaining after you eat.

Memory is a way to exercise your brain as you have to try to remember where certain pictures are so you can match them up. This isn’t a game just for kids as it helps adults too with their brains staying on top of the game. If you have youngsters in the house they will love to play such a game with you. There are plenty of board games too that get you thinking. You will be giving your brain a good workout while you are having fun playing the game as well.

Don’t worry if you don’t have someone around to play though board games with you. The internet is full of places where you can play them. Some of the favorites are memory and Scrabble that people can easily access online. There are also many of the Sudoku puzzles, crosswords, and word searches online as well.

Many of you are likely saying that this sounds great but you just don’t have the time to do it. If you are motivated to improve your mental well being you will make time for it. Carve out about 30 minutes a day when you can take part in such activities. You may find you love getting up earlier in the morning. You can exercise your brain before work and while the rest of your household is still in bed. This can completely change your attitude for the rest of the day.

Turn the TV off in the evening and spend some time playing these types of games alone or with a family member. You can even invite friends over to play them with you so that you get some social interaction with them as well. Try a variety of new games too so that you don’t get bored playing the same one all the time. However, most people find that that they have a couple of favorites that they really enjoy playing each day.

Most of these games offer several different levels as well. To get the most exercise for your brain start out with the easy stuff. This is especially true if you are new to a given game. It gives you time to learn the rules and time to device some effective strategies. As your level of skill improves, continue to challenge your brain by moving into more advanced levels of the game.

Find those games that you really enjoy playing. That way exercising your brain won’t be a chore for you. Keeping your brain sharp with such games is really going to pay off for you in a variety of ways. You will be surprised at how much it improves various aspects of your life. You will find that you have less stress and that it is easier to make decisions. You will also find that your memory is improving.

Thank you for visiting  healthyeyes2020.net/ website and reading this Playing Games is a Fun Way to Exercise your Brain article post.

Happy New Year with good health in 2019.

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Health

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Health

Are you concerned with your health? Do want to ensure you are able to see your children or grandchildren grow up? If so, take your health concerns and transform them into goals. In fact, make this your year to improve your health. If you want to improve your health, continue reading on for a few good New Year’s resolutions.

1 – Stop Smoking

Despite the dangers, many Americans smoke. If you are a smoker and want to improve your health, the first step is getting rid of the cigarettes. Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Many smokers are addicted to nicotine. Not only that, but smoking becomes a habit. Do you smoke in the car? If so, you may literally feel lost without having one hand attached to a cigarette.

If you want to improve your health and stop smoking, know it will not happen overnight. That is why stop smoking is a good New Year’s resolution because you have all year to reach your goal. Although you may get lucky and stop smoking right away, many smokers have to try multiple times. If you do, don’t give up. Rely on support from friends, family, and your primary care physician. If you must, rely on stop smoking tools, such as nicotine gum and support groups, to end your addiction and improve your health.

2 – Lose Weight

Obesity is a big problem in the United States. If you are obese, your health is at risk. Those who are severely obese put themselves at risk for early death. Diabetes and asthma have also been linked to obesity. So, if you are obese and want to improve your health, the first step is losing weight. Unfortunately, saying you want to lose weight is a lot easier than actually doing it.

If your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, focus on the smaller picture. Examine the components of losing weight, including diet and exercise. Instead of focusing on losing weight, focus on reducing junk foods from your diet and exercising. Soon, the rest will fall into place.

3 – Eat Healthy

As previously stated, healthy eating is an important component of losing weight. Even if you do not need to lose weight, you should still eat healthily. Yes, it is okay to eat a package of cookies if you will burn off the calories moving around at work, but why consume junk food? Only do so on occasion. If you are truly looking to improve your health, by ridding your body of unnatural chemicals and additives, make the switch to organic foods.

Whether you opt for healthy eating to lose weight or just to improve your overall health, be careful when shopping. Organic foods are costly, but you can save money by shopping at specialty food stores, looking for sales, or using coupons. If you don’t want to eat organic, examine calories and fat. You do not have to purchase diet foods to eat healthily.

4 – Exercise More

In addition to eating healthy, exercise is another important component of weight loss. As with healthy eating, it is recommended even if you do not need to lose weight. Exercise not only results in a thin body but a fit body. If you don’t exercise or only do so on occasion, make it your New Year’s resolution. Whether you take daily walks outside or head to the gym, make this your year to get fit and be in shape.

How is your New Year plan going?

Thank you for visiting http://healthyeyes2020.net and reading this 5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Health article post. I wish you and your family a Happy New 2018. 

The Path To Becoming A Non-Smoker

The Path To Becoming A Non-Smoker

Deciding to finally quit smoking is a very lengthy process. This can take a very long period of time such as several years, or it could be something much shorter like only a few weeks or months. The exact time frame that it takes to quit can vary greatly but what is important is ensuring that you are coming up with a plan to combat your urges to smoke. At some point in your experience trying to quit you will encounter a situation where the urge to smoke is very strong. How you handle this situation will go a long way towards your ultimate success. Being prepared for the urge to smoke will ensure that you have a plan to keep your willpower strong and continue on your path to quit smoking successfully.

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The Path To Becoming A Non-Smoker Explained

Tip 1. Take the time to decide exactly when you typically smoke. For example, after meals, after a jog around the block, or even after your shower each morning. Knowing when you typically smoke will put you in a good position to create a plan to combat the urge.

Tip 2. Create a plan of attack. This could be something as simple as a stress ball for your hands, or even just a piece of hard candy to keep your mouth busy. If you really enjoy the taste and feeling of a clean mouth you could try brushing your teeth each time you want to smoke, or suck on a mint flavored candy, which will freshen your breath.

Tip 3. Avoid the temptations that lurk. If you go out to eat, make sure you are sitting in the no smoking area. Avoid going into tobacco stores, and also try to limit the amount of time you are around other smokers. If you are continuously around cigarettes, it will be much harder to resist temptation.

Tip 4. Clean your house of all smoking instruments. This means all ashtrays, lighters, matches and get rid of the smell of cigarettes. Products like Febreeze are great for helping to get rid of cigarette smell, which can also trigger an urge to smoke.

Tip 5. If you have a place where you typically smoke when you are at home, think about rearranging the area. If you are able to break the routine of the situation, you will be able to resist temptation much better. This works best if you always are in the habit of smoking in the exact same place, such as a living room looking out a window. If you move the chair to a different area of the room, or refocus the center of the room then you can help to avoid the temptation to smoke whenever you are sitting in the chair looking out the window.

Tip 6. Write down your goal to quit smoking. This may seem like a minor detail but in reality, it can go a very long way towards ensuring that you keep your priority to quit smoking at the top of your agenda. If you just tell yourself that you want to quit smoking, you are more likely to cheat and ultimately give into the urge to light up again. If you have written your goal down, you are going to be more likely to actually follow it. This goes for quitting smoking, losing weight, changing your exercise routine or anything else. Written down goals can improve accountability significantly.

Tip 7. Do not discount yourself. If you are absolutely certain that you can succeed you will be much more capable of the success that you need. It is important to believe that you can succeed. This will help you to stay strong anytime a serious urge kicks in. If you decide to slip up consciously, you are going to find it is much harder to gain back any slack that you have cut for yourself. However, if you hold fast to your dedication to quit smoking you will find that each time you have an urge it is easier to handle.

Thank you for visiting http://healthyeyes2020.net/ website and reading this The Path To Becoming A Non-Smoker article post. I hope it was informative and helpful.

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Essential Oils for Energizing Yourself

Essential Oils for Energizing Yourself

Essential oils can help you release stress and bring back important energy levels in your daily active life.  Using essential oils in aromatherapy in your home, car, office, or any other place you spend vital amounts of time can help your energy levels increase.  Just a day of use from these important oil products will have you feeling more vitalized and the reduced stress will allow you to deal with the day’s pressures more calmly.

Using essential oils is an easy process.  Certain aromas will help with different illnesses, disease, stress, and energy.  Choosing the right oil for your aromatherapy is important to help relieve the different adverse effects on the body.  Once you choose your essential oil, you can place just a few drops into a burner, a light bulb, on a heater or even on your body in light amounts to continually benefit from the powerful scents.  Throughout the day, using the essential oils will activate your body and mind with positive outcomes.

Essential Oils for Energizing Yourself Explained

Stress is a powerfully negative effect on your body and inner strength.  The aromatherapy helps eliminate the stress whereby increasing energy levels and counteracting the harmful processes of high levels of stress.  Stress and energy counter each other and stress will eventually win as the day ages.  Your body replenishes levels of energy after a good night’s sleep, but stress can adversely affect sleep patterns allowing stress to ultimately win the battle.  This will keep you tired and agitated during the day, which is why aromatherapy with essential oils will greatly benefit a busy lifestyle.  With the continual backlash of work pressure, deadlines, and home care your stress can take over your life.  Essential oils will help your mind and body fight back.

Essential oils for aromatherapy in the office are especially useful.  Probably the most stressful parts of our day involve the work pressures in the office.  Just a simple few drops in a burner in your office can greatly combat the stress levels that rise during a busy work day.  Other office employees will even appreciate the smell of a good essential oil that rids the rest of the office of harsh smells.

Not all essential oils are strong, pungent smells that travel long distances.  Some essential oils are subtle and light.  Even at low levels, your body is able to smell the scents and use them for positive benefits.  They can help you relax and increase energy levels even at low levels.

Increasing energy is a major benefit of scents such as grapefruit, pine, and litsea.  You can use these essential oil smells separately or in combination for a fully powerful benefit.  Each essential oil has a certain effect separately, and in combination the effects are powerfully synergistic.


If you have ever peeled a fresh grapefruit for a healthy morning breakfast then you already know the refreshing benefits of grapefruit essential oils.  The tangy fruit has an uplifting, stimulating effect from its citrus foundation.  Use this type of oil to invigorate and create a feeling of refreshed energy.

Pine Needle

Having a Christmas Tree inside your home will help you realize the benefits of this aroma.  Using this essential oil clears your mind and acts as a refreshing antiseptic.  The aroma clears your head from the negative thoughts from the day and helps make your body feel positively revitalized.

Litsea Cubeba

A less commonly known essential oil is the litsea cubeba.  It is an uplifting essential oil that makes your body feel strengthened and balanced.  Like the grapefruit, it also has a citrus lemon smell that brings a refreshing effect for energy levels.

Used in each part, these essential oils bring each of these effects to individuals that need an affordable, relaxing aromatherapy that can be done at home or in the office.  Use them together, and your body, mind, and soul will feel ultimately refreshed and the stress of the day will seem to dissipate from your body.

Thank you for visiting  http://healthyeyes2020.net website and taking the time to read Essential Oils for Energizing Yourself  article post. I hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this website link with your friends.  If you would like to read articles on the Healthy Eye Vision visit http://onlineeyesighttest.com/

Essential Oils for Effective Relaxation

Essential Oils for Effective Relaxation

Relaxation is an important part of a daily regimen.  Most people focus on daily work schedules, exercise, home care, taking care of children, and other personal chores for daily living.  Relaxation should always have a part of your day, but most people ignore the importance of relaxation and rest.  Resting the mind and body helps refresh energy and brings back a balance of body strength and fortitude.
Relaxation essential oils also induce a mindful state of calm that helps you forget of the day’s stressful events or what daily chores are needed for the next day.  Relaxation does not necessarily mean that you are required to sleep.  Relaxation includes meditation and drawing your mind away from the stress and into a complete peaceful state.  A total relaxation state soothes your whole body and reduces the tiring effects of stress and sleepless nights.

Most people have a busy and hectic life going to work, taking care of children, and finding the time to clean the home.  Essential oils for relaxation can help you relax and stay calm during hard times that would otherwise cause you to lose control from high levels of stress.  They can be used at the end of the day to help you unwind and calm your nerves.

You can also use essential oils in aromatherapy within your office.  Although the goal for relaxation methods is to calm and create a sense of peace, they do not make you tired.  Using essential oils in the office will give you peace throughout the day and help you maintain your temper during high stress moments.  Used in the office, the oils will calm your mind during the work day so that you do not feel overwhelmed by stress or deadlines.

Essential Oils for Effective Relaxation Guide

There are several essential oils that can help you relax in your home or in the office.  Essential oils such as ylang ylang, chamomile, and neroli will help you relax throughout the day without making you tired.  Each have their own unique effects, but when they are used together they are a powerful aromatherapy to ultimately make you feel at peach.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang is an extremely potent essential oil that is sensual and relaxing.   The balancing effects from the exotic aroma leaves your whole body and spirit feeling relaxed.  It is also a romantic aroma and it is perfect for date night or cuddling up with a loved one at night.

Chamomile Maroc

Chamomile Maroc is probably one of the most popular soothing aromas.  This essential oil soothes your mind while relaxing your body.  It will help you emotionally to combat the irritability and anger that can happen from a day of high levels of stress.  If you are a person who has a hard time withholding strong emotions such as anger, chamomile is a great essential oil to help you calm your anger.


Neroli has a combination of relaxation effects that restore your level of peace while rejuvenating your overall energy and body strength.  The essential oil is distilled from blossoms of the bitter orange tree.  It is an exotic plant that has deep effects on the emotional aspects of your mind.  The fragrance can restore your mind to lower levels of stress and disperse the anger left in your body.  Irritability will be lessened when this essential oil is used within the office.

All of these oils will help you throughout your day even if used individually.  Used together and they will remove the heavy emotional effects of stress and tension.  Removing the negative effects of the day can help you maintain your balance, and it is a major factor of dealing with anger management.  You will find yourself more productive, and you will have a better customer service friendly attitude.  Use these essential oils in combination with other stress relieving oils and you will find your whole presence to be more positive.

Thank you for visiting  http://healthyeyes2020.net website and taking the time to read Essential Oils for Effective Relaxation article post. I hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this website link with your friends.  If you would like to read more articles on Healthy Eye Vision, visit the following link http://onlineeyesighttest.com/

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